SensorCloud Pricing

Monthly Plans

Monthly plans are per gateway/api device.
All plans include access to LiveConnect, unlimited sharing of data, and email support.

View the MicroStrain Network Calculator


  • 10 Million Data Points
    Storage /Month
  • 25,000 Transactions /Month
  • 1 Custom Alert



Enterprise / OEM Custom

  • For users with even larger data needs

    Rebrand SensorCloud to include your own logo and styling

    ITAR cloud option

    Priority Support

    Contact us
MathEngineLogo MathEngine is available for all plans.

*Each SensorCloud plan is assigned per device, each adding to the total monthly cost. The term "transaction" refers to data uploads only, either through the WSDA Pro or custom applications. MicroStrain's WSDA devices will optimize the number of transactions that are performed, buffering data and making as few transactions as possible at a default rate of every 2 minutes. After exceeding the number of transactions that are included in the plan, an extra 50,000 transactions will be purchased (and for each 50,000 thereafter) at the cost shown above for that month (data will no longer be uploaded in the case of a Free plan).
The number of monthly transactions you have used is shown on the devices page. The amount of total storage is accumulative, not just for the month. After exceeding the storage limit that is included in the plan, an extra 1 Billion data points will be purchased (and for each 1 Billion thereafter) at the cost shown above (data will no longer be uploaded in the case of a Free plan). The extra storage charges will occur each month in which the total storage limit is exceeded.